Currently I play either my Fender Showmaster QMT HH (Jazz neck, Full Shred bridge), Fender Showmaster FAT SSS (Classic Stack Pluses and Lil Screamin Demon bridge), Fender Showmaster QMT HH (Psychlone and Custom Filtertron), Roland System-8, and/or Roland System-1.
- Boss ME-90 Review
and Use
- My Third
Showmaster QMT HH: Filtertrons
- Yes,
You Heard Me - My Review of the Seymour Duncan Custom-5 for
Stratocaster (The Cat Five)
- (The Curse
Of) The Pearly Gates Plus
- How to
pick Electric Guitar Pickups for Church Use
- My Fender
Showmaster FAT SSS
- Synthesizer Sound Samples! System-8 Jupiter-8
- My Nektar
Pacer review
- My Worship
Leader CV
- Roland
Cloud Review
- Ambient Music, Deconstructed
- Patch Suggestions: What Patches
to Use for Certain Worship Songs
- My Review of the Novaline Roland SH-2 Plug-Out Soundset
- My Review of the Novaline
Roland Pro Mars Plug-Out Soundset
- System-9: daisy-chaining the System-1
to the System-8
- My Roland System-8
- The Factory Performance Mode
Mappings on the Roland System-8
- My Roland System-8 Blog
- My Philosophy of Keys
- Is the Roland System-8
Suitable for Church?
- Roland System-8 Plug-Outs
- Pad Theory for Church
- My Live Jams
- Roland System-1 Plug-Outs for
System-1 review
- My Roland System-1
- My Roland System-1 Blog
- Roland System-1 Sound Samples
- The Roland System-1 is
Suitable for Church
- Pros and Cons of Synthesizers in Church
- My ESP EC-1000QM (for sale)
- My Boss ME-80 (new)
- My Journey as an Auxiliary
- My Fender Showmaster QMT
- Adjust an electric guitar without
using a ruler!
- Resistance values for ESP LH-100 pickups
- My 1972 Fender Twin Reverb (sold)
- My Music Wishlist
- Picking the Key for a Singer and Guitarist
- How To Set Up A Church Sound System: Electric Guitar
- Behringer CT-100 Taken Apart
- How to clean your Boss ME-70
- My ESP LTD EC-100QM (sold)
- My Fender Lite Ash
Stratocaster (sold)
- My (Old) Fender Showmaster
FAT HH (sold)
- My Ovation Celebrity Custom CS-247 (sold)
- My Boss ME-50 Multieffects (sold)
- My Ibanez RX240 (sold)
- My Boss ME-70 (sold)
- My Akai Professional MPK Mini Play (sold)