Miscellaneous Page
This is where I get to talk about miscellaneous things.
- Baldur's Gate 3:
My New Favorite Game
- On the Attempted Trump
Assassination of 7/13/24
- Libertarian
Platform Reviewed from a Christian Perspective
- My review of a 2021 Ford EcoSport
- Review of Isaac Asimov's Works
- Asian Pond Turtles
- FN Five-SeveN and Glock 42 review
- Trying .45 ACP for the first time: Glock 21, Remington 1911R1, Ruger SR45, and Beretta PX4.
- My Glock 19 Gen 4
- My Glock 43
- My Wife's PK380 (sold)
- My
2001 BMW 325ci (sold)
- My 2011 Honda Fit "Sport"
- My Red 2019 VW Golf Sportwagen S (TOTALED)
- My Gray 2019 VW Golk Sportwagen S
- My Experience
Running Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frost Maiden
- The SuperMechs Game
- SuperMechs
Instrumentation Project
- Ramen taste testing
- Rechargeable Batteries
- The Backbone Needs To Get One (i.e.
rebuttal of anonymous whining from John Q Public, enemy of
- Things People Say That Are Counter-Productive about Race Relations
- What Works For Me: Double Edge Safety Razor
- The
Libertarian Party's Policy on Drugs is Contradictory
- If I Am Elected President
- Boycott
- On
The Death Penalty
- Why is Andrew Jackson Still on the $20?
- Broken Leg September 2005
- CV-22 Osprey Pictures