Index of Pictures / ..

  3x six-foot one-inch, 1/16-inch-wall square tube cut in half to make 6x three-foot sections. ...And in half again, to make 12x eighteen-inch sections. Eight eighteen-inch sections have two inches cut off; the sixteen-inch pieces are the end pieces and the two-inch stubs are the verticals that hold the square dowel rods. Half-inch holes are drilled in the end of each leg. Position is just eyeballed. Lines are drawn at the eight-inch mark on the leg pieces and at the centerline of each center piece for alignment. Pieces are held together with magnetic right-angle holders for initial tacking, then the two-inch stubs are clamped to the legs with vise-grips and tacked. Finally, stub and leg junctions are welded, but top and bottom seams are not. Finished target stands. 3/4-inch square wood dowels are dropped into the vertical stubs, cardboard gets stapled across the dowels and targets get stapled to the cardboard. Tent stakes can be used in the holes at the ends of the legs to keep the stands from blowing over. If you're lucky, stands can be stacked together to take up less storage space.  
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