What Works For Me: Double Edge Safety Razor
This article chronicles my experience
learning to use a double edge safety razor. My job
(military) made me shave my face. Most of my career, I
had been using multi-bladed cartridge razors. Small
nicks were common, but I had just ignored it and continued
shaving, not knowing that there were better options.
Some days I ended up with quite a bit of cuts, but not knowing
any better, I had continued to soldier on.
I started using a double edge safety
razor (DESR) because several websites such as WebMD
recommended it for men who have sensitive skin. This came
partially as a desire to improve the look of my face, not to
be vain, but because I was changing careers, becoming a
therapist. The prospects of saving money and being
more environmentally friendly also appealed to me.
Initial Purchase
I started of with a Van Der Hagen handle and
blades. I watched several
episodes about how to properly shave with a DESR. (Too bad
I didn't notice this video
at the beginning.) At the beginning, I was using shave
gel, no brush, and no shave oil. I didn't fare well.
This resulted in a lot of nicks and cuts. I still used Nivea
Men Sensitive Post Shave Balm, a custom that I didn't
I then purchased Van Der Hagen shave oil and
shave soap with a brush and started shaving with these. I
saw a little bit of improvement, but not enough for me. As
well, I was increasingly noticing that maybe my previous
problems with shaving were technique. But I still couldn't
get as close a shave as I wanted.

But then, talking to a couple friends at
work, I learned that it was my equipment that was causing me
problems. So on their advice, I tried Feather
Double Edge Blades and Astra
Premium Platinum Double Edge Safety Razor Blades, and
purchased Proraso
Shaving Soap in a Bowl, Sensitive Skin and Proraso
Pre-Shave Cream. I had to buy them online, which is
sad because even in a large city, you can't find this stuff in
stores. Walmart, CVS, and the local mall didn't really
have anything respectable. CVS carries its own generic
brand of blades and cremes, and they also carry all the Van Der
Hagen equipment. But as many
people, including me, discovered, Van Der Hagen blades are
not good.
I had to order it through Walmart: the shave
soap was delivered to the store, while the pre-shave came in by
mail. While I loved Feather blades, their blades were more
expensive than Astra. While Feather blades were 10%
sharper and slicker than Astra, they were also twice as
expensive. One of the few reasons blade cost matters is
because WebMD and many
other websites recommend frequent blade changes. So
I bought 100 Astra blades after reading many reviews that seemed
to have either Feather or Astra competing for the #1
recommendation (see below for links).
Technique is the area in which I had the
most to learn. I came to realize very quickly that my
usual cartridge razor shaving technique was probably the
majority of the reason why I struggled to not cut myself in the
morning shaving. I wasn't paying attention: my mind was
mostly elsewhere, sort of like when your brain learns to tie
your shoes. I was also going against the grain a
lot. One of the other recommendations given by sensitive
skin shaving articles included not going against the
grain. I struggled with that, as I prefer to have a
baby-smooth face. This almost OCD tendency led me to end
up with nicks, cartridge or not. So I first had to let go
of the desire to have a perfectly baby-smooth face in all
directions. I was causing my own irritation.
After reading many articles on how to shave
with a DESR, as well as asking my wife to map my face out on
paper (which didn't work because she accidentally wrote it down
backwards due to the mirror effect of perspective), I realized
that only with time and experience would I learn. So I
Slowly over time, I learned to hold the DESR
properly. I learned to not push, and let the weight of the
razor do the work. This was one tendency that tied in to
my babyface OCD. I had to trust that it was working rather
than push to "make" it work.
Then I also had to learn what angle to hold
the DESR at. Websites say between 30 and 45 degrees to
your face. I can't argue with that because I'm new at
this. A newbie would probably think the lower the angle,
the better, because the danger of nicking or cutting one's self
is lower. However, I found 45 degrees to work better for
me, assuming that I'm not pushing. The Van Der Hagen
handle I am using works great if I have a light touch and stick
to roughly 45 degrees.
Finally, I had to learn over time, through
experimentation, what parts of my face will let me eventually go
against the grain or not. Not all parts of my face are
irregular, and not all of them are sensitive. The two
factors I think that influenced what parts of my face will
tolerate against the grain are shape and location. Some
areas seem to only handle with the grain. Some parts will
let me shave perpendicular to the grain. Some will not
even let me go perpendicular, so the best I can do is 45 degrees
to the grain. It just depends on the part of my
face. My neck has always been a problem area even before
switching to a DESR, so I guessed that this would be the most
I noticed that even if I was able to shave
some areas against the grain without cuts or nicks, that this
still made that area likely to break out in a rash or
acne. So even if against my will, I had to learn to be
gentle with myself, which isn't always easy for a guy.
What Works For Me
So because I have acne-prone sensitive skin
but very coarse and dense facial hair, I had to
experiment. Here's the routine that works for me. I
almost always shower in the morning, so I stick my face under
the shower head and get the water as hot as I can stand for the
final 30 seconds in the shower. (If I didn't shower that
morning, I would use the hot towel technique.) Then I
apply Proraso pre-shave.
First, I had to make an acronym out of
this. SLOW: stretch the skin, light touch, only one pass,
with the grain. So my first pass is always SLOW.
This is my mental reminder in the morning. With my first
pass, my entire face is lathered up, so I can't always stretch
the skin, but I try to at least contort my face to make it
work. I take only one pass, resisting the urge to be a
perfectionist, instead focusing on perfect one-time passes over
my face. Then I rinse with warm water.
The second pass requires me to focus on each
section of my face at a time, so I apply lather only to the
section I'm dealing with, one at a time. This helps me get
traction with my off hand, which is busy stretching the skin.
First, I shave the upper half of my cheeks
against the grain. This area is the least sensitive skin
for me, and the only section I don't have to "sneak up" on 45
degree increments away from the grain line. (Note that I
usually have to progressively shave at 45 degree increments
going from with the grain to perpendicular from it if I want to
not cause my skin to break out.) I then rinse this off
because the rest of my frontal face technique grabs this area of
skin to stretch the rest of my face. Then I shave the
lower half of my cheeks down to the jaw line 45 degrees away
from the grain (which is vertical). My chin area is
problematic, so since the first pass was with the grain (which
is not vertical here), my second pass is vertical (which is 45
degrees away from the grain). I stretch and contort my
face a lot in this area. I usually get maybe one very
minor weeper that goes away the moment I apply aftershave.
Then I shave right under my chin area
vertically, which is 45 degrees away from grain. The hair
on my face changes direction half way from the point of the chin
to the point of the lower jaw line at the side of my face, so
technically the half on each side after the chin point is being
shaved perpendicular to the grain.
My Adam's apple has four different grain
patterns and is pointy. So each of these I shave again,
with the grain, stretching my face to get the sections.
Then I must carefully shave the rest of my
neck. Both sides of my neck have a different grain pattern
(not to mention the four other grain patterns where they meet
the Adam's apple). So I have figured out how to carefully
shave this area 45 degrees away from the grain. This is
normally all that my neck area can handle: anything
perpendicular to the grain or more extreme results in nicks and
rash. However, there are two sections that, due to their
location and angle, require a bit of focus. I couldn't
find the proper name of this area, but basically it's above the
beginning of the Adam's apple, maybe half an inch from the
center line of my neck, under my chin, and it's on both
sides. This specific area has a dense growth of hair and
is also sensitive. I've learned that I can, if I am very
careful, shave this area 45 degrees from the first pass, then
very carefully shave it perpendicular. But I must be
careful because this problem area will gladly erupt into a rash
if I make even one mistake.
The area right under my chin, where a goatee
would grow, is also very dense. I have to be very careful
here. Some mornings I don't even bother risking it, and
just shave it with the grain. If I am very careful, and
work slowly and patiently, it will let me shave it perpendicular
to the grain, but I must be very careful.
In terms of all these passes, I had to also
learn that I should never shave an area without it having shave
soap applied. At the beginning, I would be stuck in
perfectionism trying to do the 45 degree and then perpendicular
passes back to back without reapplying shave soap. I had
some pretty spectacular nicks and cuts as a result. So I
learned the hard way.
When I am done, I always rinse the razor
handle and blade off with hot water, then towel both parts
dry. This is to try to eliminate bacteria build-up on the
blade or razor handle.
I also started washing my face before bed if
it felt oily to the touch, to cut down on acne. And then I
also started using a non-comedogenic (doesn't clog pores or
cause acne) lotion on my face once a week. CVS brand
lotion, by the way, claims to be non-comedogenic, as well as the
generic brand, which works great. I only shave six days a
week, skipping Saturday to give my face a rest. So Sunday,
the first day back to shaving, I lotion my face.

This is a picture of the first time I was
able to shave my entire face without nicking or cutting
myself. Most mornings, I have maybe one or two small
weepers, and in the same area, and maybe one is taken care of by
the aftershave balm while the other requires a quick touch from
the styptic pencil. In terms of styptic pencil technique,
I learned to blot the area of the weeper first, then touch it
with the pencil, and wait. If it keeps weeping, I again
blot and then touch the pencil. I learned not to glide the
pencil over the skin because then I was drying out a larger area
of my skin, which only irritated the parts that were not
bleeding. In fact, it's as if those areas were saying
"what the heck, man?!"
My wife said she noticed a big difference in
the complexion of my skin. She said it was a lot less
"angry" or "upset." I noticed that shaving took twice as
long in the morning, but my face felt much better. The
front side of my face and chin are way smoother than before, but
(again) I have to be careful not to get too OCD with pursuing a
smooth face because it results in razor burn, at least for me.
I have included a link to Albatross
Designs, a place you can send in your used safety razors
to have them recycled. Basically, they take them and
recycle them. You just mail them in.
As for saving money, by my calculations I am
saving $37 per year. Saving money really depends on where
you were originally buying your cartridge razors.
3 February 2019
Another thing I learned about my shaving
habits is that I have ingrown hairs. It had been my habit
to skip shaving on Saturday to "give my face a break."
When using a four or five bladed cartridge razor, sure, that
seemed to make sense. But in the end, I was giving my face
a day to develop ingrown hairs. Thus, Sunday would result
in my face basically "erupting" with razor burn.
I decided to try shaving only "with the
grain" this Saturday morning. Today I shaved and my face
didn't erupt in irritation and nicks. So I have learned
that if I keep my facial hair shaved, even if only a single
with-the-grain pass on Saturday, the results are much better.
I would like to thank the following websites
and groups for their help. As I never grew up using a
DESR, I could not have learned without their help.
- My friends who mentored me
- Facebook A Fine Shave - Artistry And Technique Of The Safety Razor group
- The Badger & Blade forum
- YouTube Van Der Hagen Safety Razor - Is It Any Good?
- YouTube Executive Shave Tutorial:
Learn How To Shave With a Safety Razor
- YouTube The Art Of Manliness How To Shave With A Safety Razor
- The Art Of Manliness: How To Shave Like Your Grandpa
- The Art of Manliness in general. A good website for many things.
- Men's Journal: How to Shave With a Safety Razor (and Why You Should Consider Trying One)
- Tools of Men: 11 Facts to Know About Shaving With a Safety Razor this website covers many of the pros and cons of DESR.
- Prim & Prep: How to Shave with a Safety Razor